
Who we are

Find out more about us and what we do

The BasqueCCAM association promotes the creation of an R&D and Innovation eco-system that fosters the testing of Connected, Cooperative and Autonomous Mobility solutions and technologies in the Basque Country

The development, validation and deployment of these technologies requires the joint multidisciplinary action of different actors with knowledge and capabilities in fields beyond the traditional automotive or railway sectors.

BasqueCCAM seeks to drive the Basque industrial and service fabric through an innovative and open mobility environment, the BasqueCCAM.lab, which integrates the development and validation needs of the sector in a multimodal and multi-user environment.

BasqueCCAM, as an association continuously open to new partners, seeks to promote research, development and innovation, generating a high potential for the creation of mobility products and services based on digitalisation. This is only possible through the joint, creative and constructive work of all public and private actors.

Con el apoyo de:



Four key aspects guide the associacion’s purpose and activities

Promote the region

Thanks to the research, development and validation of new mobility making use of its privileged location as a cross-border region.

Technology driven

Services that support the development of safe and sustainable mobility for both urban and inter-urban areas.

Promote the ecosystem

Facilitate a public-private ecosystem for the promotion of new strategies for the mobility of the future.

Foster the industry

Through a suitable ecosystem for its evolution and adaptation to the new challenges within Connected and Autonomous Electric Mobility.

Living Lab as main concept



To position the Basque Country as a key and internationally recognised environment for the mobility of the future.

  • Strengthen a cooperative laboratory in the territory
    Extend, deploy and integrate a transversal laboratory for the development and validation of CCAM mobility in the territory.
  • Foster heterogeneous and interoperable connectivity
    Ensure the flow of information between the different actors through the main technologies associated with mobility.
  • Develop solutions based on Big Data
    Exploit the potential of using heterogeneous big data in the context of mobility.
  • Contribute to the R&D&I of the territory
    Contribute, support and lead R&D projects, testing activities, industry and new players.
  • Facilitate a framework for training and entrepreneurship
    Develop a framework that includes the changes promoted by CCAM from the point of view of education and innovative culture.
  • Design and implement physical and digital infrastructure
    Implement the technological enablers of connected and automated vehicles.
  • Assess the safety of automated functions
    Analyse the level of safety and its impact through tests and pilots in the territory.
  • Identify stakeholder and end-user needs
    Comprehensively analyse the needs along the value chain and the functional and non-functional requirements for deployment.
  • To support the industry in its future developments.
    Help the industry to close the gap to CCAM while maintaining the highest quality standards.


The activities of the BasqueCCAM association are based on 4 main lines of work

Design and develop a safe, efficient, large-scale, multimodal, multi-scenario test and validation environment for CCAM technologies

Support the preparation and deployment of cross-border environments for connected and automated vehicle validation and testing

Support CCAM oriented R&D activities by providing market, PDI and safety requirements to the local research community

Foster the creation of new companies with an adequately trained workforce

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Services oriented to the validation and testing of CCAM functions as well as the acquisition, processing and monitoring of the information required or resulting from the different tests performed.

Testing and Validation

Support in the process of test execution and validation by offering customised packages according to the characteristics and capabilities of our client.

Infrastructure Management

Provision of different essential elements for the performance of the tests according to their typologies.

Monitoring tools

Providing users with the necessary tools to monitor activities during and after their execution.

Data processing

Support through proprietary tools for the management and processing of captured data.

Technological offer

Technological own development to complement activities to be carried out in the infrastructure.

Consultancy and strategy advisement

Support in the design of the test and validation process, as well as in the process of capturing data.

Training activities

Training of staff in CCAM technological activities.

Entrepreneurship support

Support for entrepreneurship and the generation of new businesses around CCAM.


Our members

The BasqueCCAM Association is open to the integration of new members from any relevant field associated with connected and autonomous vehicles.

Our aim is to provide a space for discussion, cooperation and effective action.

Business entities

Scientific and Technological Entities

Institutional bodies

A transversal and cooperative position is essential to take up the challenge of implementing the new mobility models of the future.


How to collaborate with BasqueCCAM

In addition to collaborating with members on joint development projects related to connected and cooperative autonomous mobility, membership in the association provides various advantages and opportunities. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to know more about the association, its services and how to become a member.

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